Agressive Normal Cautious Aggression level: [1: Cautious] (reserved) (reserved) patrol indefinitely in [1: the Sea of Cortez] lie low in [1: the Sea of Cortez] make all neccessary repairs escort merchant shipping blockade [1: the Port of Calais] hold a beachhead in the Province of [1: Quebec] swab the decks in [1: the Sea of Cortez] patrol [1: the Sea of Cortez] dock at [1: the port of Zimm] make sail to [1: the Sea of Cortez] Under orders to [1: patrol] Victory at Sea! Battle at Sea Warships Defeated! Enemy Merchants Intercepted! Privateer Interception Piracy! Cargo seized: Merchants sunk: Merchants captured: Trading [1: six] [2: cotton] with [3: Devron]